
Posted by Lance Lee on Monday, November 2, 2020


一 背景介绍

1.1 背景


1.2 复制表mutation操作执行过程

mutation操作时异步的,在提交mutation命令后,ClickHouse服务端会直接返回结果。然后提交至ZooKeeper /clickhouse/tables/database/layer-shard/tablename/mutations路径下,所有ClickHouse节点会监听该目录,有新命令时读取并执行。

1.3 排查思路



整个表除了不能执行mutation操作外,写入和查询都是正常的。mutation操作为ALTER TABLE tablename DELETE WHERE 1=1;




SELECT partition FROM WHERE database = 'RISK' AND table = 'FUNDIN' GROUP BY partition;




2020.11.02 10:43:53.881102 [ 51 ] {} <Debug> RISK.FUNDIN: There is no part 20200712_0_262_4_355 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem



二 验证


2.1 验证思路




2.2 准备验证环境

localhost :) CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS datasets ON CLUSTER replica_cluster_1;


│ │ 9000 │      0 │       │                   1 │                0 │
│ │ 9000 │      0 │       │                   0 │                0 │

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.128 sec. 

localhost :) CREATE TABLE datasets.hits_v1 ON CLUSTER replica_cluster_1 (`WatchID` UInt64, `JavaEnable` UInt8, `Title` String, `GoodEvent` Int16, `EventTime` DateTime, `EventDate` Date, `CounterID` UInt32, `ClientIP` UInt32, `ClientIP6` FixedString(16), `RegionID` UInt32, `UserID` UInt64, `CounterClass` Int8, `OS` UInt8, `UserAgent` UInt8, `URL` String, `Referer` String, `URLDomain` String, `RefererDomain` String, `Refresh` UInt8, `IsRobot` UInt8, `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16), `URLCategories` Array(UInt16), `URLRegions` Array(UInt32), `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32), `ResolutionWidth` UInt16, `ResolutionHeight` UInt16, `ResolutionDepth` UInt8, `FlashMajor` UInt8, `FlashMinor` UInt8, `FlashMinor2` String, `NetMajor` UInt8, `NetMinor` UInt8, `UserAgentMajor` UInt16, `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2), `CookieEnable` UInt8, `JavascriptEnable` UInt8, `IsMobile` UInt8, `MobilePhone` UInt8, `MobilePhoneModel` String, `Params` String, `IPNetworkID` UInt32, `TraficSourceID` Int8, `SearchEngineID` UInt16, `SearchPhrase` String, `AdvEngineID` UInt8, `IsArtifical` UInt8, `WindowClientWidth` UInt16, `WindowClientHeight` UInt16, `ClientTimeZone` Int16, `ClientEventTime` DateTime, `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8, `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8, `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32, `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16, `PageCharset` String, `CodeVersion` UInt32, `IsLink` UInt8, `IsDownload` UInt8, `IsNotBounce` UInt8, `FUniqID` UInt64, `HID` UInt32, `IsOldCounter` UInt8, `IsEvent` UInt8, `IsParameter` UInt8, `DontCountHits` UInt8, `WithHash` UInt8, `HitColor` FixedString(1), `UTCEventTime` DateTime, `Age` UInt8, `Sex` UInt8, `Income` UInt8, `Interests` UInt16, `Robotness` UInt8, `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16), `RemoteIP` UInt32, `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16), `WindowName` Int32, `OpenerName` Int32, `HistoryLength` Int16, `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2), `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2), `SocialNetwork` String, `SocialAction` String, `HTTPError` UInt16, `SendTiming` Int32, `DNSTiming` Int32, `ConnectTiming` Int32, `ResponseStartTiming` Int32, `ResponseEndTiming` Int32, `FetchTiming` Int32, `RedirectTiming` Int32, `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32, `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32, `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32, `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32, `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, `FirstPaintTiming` Int32, `RedirectCount` Int8, `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8, `SocialSourcePage` String, `ParamPrice` Int64, `ParamOrderID` String, `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3), `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16, `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32), `OpenstatServiceName` String, `OpenstatCampaignID` String, `OpenstatAdID` String, `OpenstatSourceID` String, `UTMSource` String, `UTMMedium` String, `UTMCampaign` String, `UTMContent` String, `UTMTerm` String, `FromTag` String, `HasGCLID` UInt8, `RefererHash` UInt64, `URLHash` UInt64, `CLID` UInt32, `YCLID` UInt64, `ShareService` String, `ShareURL` String, `ShareTitle` String, `ParsedParams.Key1` Array(String), `ParsedParams.Key2` Array(String), `ParsedParams.Key3` Array(String), `ParsedParams.Key4` Array(String), `ParsedParams.Key5` Array(String), `ParsedParams.ValueDouble` Array(Float64), `IslandID` FixedString(16), `RequestNum` UInt32, `RequestTry` UInt8) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/datasets/{layer}-{shard}/hits_v1', '{replica}') PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;

CREATE TABLE datasets.hits_v1 ON CLUSTER replica_cluster_1
    `WatchID` UInt64, 
    `JavaEnable` UInt8, 
    `Title` String, 
    `GoodEvent` Int16, 
    `EventTime` DateTime, 
    `EventDate` Date, 
    `CounterID` UInt32, 
    `ClientIP` UInt32, 
    `ClientIP6` FixedString(16), 
    `RegionID` UInt32, 
    `UserID` UInt64, 
    `CounterClass` Int8, 
    `OS` UInt8, 
    `UserAgent` UInt8, 
    `URL` String, 
    `Referer` String, 
    `URLDomain` String, 
    `RefererDomain` String, 
    `Refresh` UInt8, 
    `IsRobot` UInt8, 
    `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16), 
    `URLCategories` Array(UInt16), 
    `URLRegions` Array(UInt32), 
    `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32), 
    `ResolutionWidth` UInt16, 
    `ResolutionHeight` UInt16, 
    `ResolutionDepth` UInt8, 
    `FlashMajor` UInt8, 
    `FlashMinor` UInt8, 
    `FlashMinor2` String, 
    `NetMajor` UInt8, 
    `NetMinor` UInt8, 
    `UserAgentMajor` UInt16, 
    `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2), 
    `CookieEnable` UInt8, 
    `JavascriptEnable` UInt8, 
    `IsMobile` UInt8, 
    `MobilePhone` UInt8, 
    `MobilePhoneModel` String, 
    `Params` String, 
    `IPNetworkID` UInt32, 
    `TraficSourceID` Int8, 
    `SearchEngineID` UInt16, 
    `SearchPhrase` String, 
    `AdvEngineID` UInt8, 
    `IsArtifical` UInt8, 
    `WindowClientWidth` UInt16, 
    `WindowClientHeight` UInt16, 
    `ClientTimeZone` Int16, 
    `ClientEventTime` DateTime, 
    `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8, 
    `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8, 
    `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32, 
    `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16, 
    `PageCharset` String, 
    `CodeVersion` UInt32, 
    `IsLink` UInt8, 
    `IsDownload` UInt8, 
    `IsNotBounce` UInt8, 
    `FUniqID` UInt64, 
    `HID` UInt32, 
    `IsOldCounter` UInt8, 
    `IsEvent` UInt8, 
    `IsParameter` UInt8, 
    `DontCountHits` UInt8, 
    `WithHash` UInt8, 
    `HitColor` FixedString(1), 
    `UTCEventTime` DateTime, 
    `Age` UInt8, 
    `Sex` UInt8, 
    `Income` UInt8, 
    `Interests` UInt16, 
    `Robotness` UInt8, 
    `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16), 
    `RemoteIP` UInt32, 
    `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16), 
    `WindowName` Int32, 
    `OpenerName` Int32, 
    `HistoryLength` Int16, 
    `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2), 
    `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2), 
    `SocialNetwork` String, 
    `SocialAction` String, 
    `HTTPError` UInt16, 
    `SendTiming` Int32, 
    `DNSTiming` Int32, 
    `ConnectTiming` Int32, 
    `ResponseStartTiming` Int32, 
    `ResponseEndTiming` Int32, 
    `FetchTiming` Int32, 
    `RedirectTiming` Int32, 
    `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32, 
    `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, 
    `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32, 
    `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32, 
    `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32, 
    `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, 
    `FirstPaintTiming` Int32, 
    `RedirectCount` Int8, 
    `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8, 
    `SocialSourcePage` String, 
    `ParamPrice` Int64, 
    `ParamOrderID` String, 
    `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3), 
    `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16, 
    `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32), 
    `OpenstatServiceName` String, 
    `OpenstatCampaignID` String, 
    `OpenstatAdID` String, 
    `OpenstatSourceID` String, 
    `UTMSource` String, 
    `UTMMedium` String, 
    `UTMCampaign` String, 
    `UTMContent` String, 
    `UTMTerm` String, 
    `FromTag` String, 
    `HasGCLID` UInt8, 
    `RefererHash` UInt64, 
    `URLHash` UInt64, 
    `CLID` UInt32, 
    `YCLID` UInt64, 
    `ShareService` String, 
    `ShareURL` String, 
    `ShareTitle` String, 
    `ParsedParams.Key1` Array(String), 
    `ParsedParams.Key2` Array(String), 
    `ParsedParams.Key3` Array(String), 
    `ParsedParams.Key4` Array(String), 
    `ParsedParams.Key5` Array(String), 
    `ParsedParams.ValueDouble` Array(Float64), 
    `IslandID` FixedString(16), 
    `RequestNum` UInt32, 
    `RequestTry` UInt8
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/datasets/{layer}-{shard}/hits_v1', '{replica}')
ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

│ │ 9000 │      0 │       │                   1 │                0 │
│ │ 9000 │      0 │       │                   0 │                0 │

2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.127 sec. 


cat hits_v1.tsv | clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO datasets.hits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000
# optionally you can optimize table

clickhouse-client --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE datasets.hits_v1 FINAL"
localhost :) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.hits_v1;

FROM datasets.hits_v1

│ 8873898 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec. 




2.3 测试


localhost :) ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1 DELETE WHERE 1=1;

ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1
    DELETE WHERE 1 = 1


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.027 sec. 

localhost :) SELECT * FROM system.mutations WHERE is_done != 1;\G

FROM system.mutations
WHERE is_done != 1


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. 

localhost :) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM datasets.hits_v1;

FROM datasets.hits_v1

│       0 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.007 sec. 




localhost :) ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1 DELETE WHERE 1=1;

ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1
    DELETE WHERE 1 = 1


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.067 sec. 

localhost :) SELECT * FROM system.mutations WHERE is_done != 1;\G

FROM system.mutations
WHERE is_done != 1


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.030 sec. 


2020.11.02 16:04:18.103450 [ 31 ] {} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1: Found 18 old parts to remove.
2020.11.02 16:04:18.103579 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removing 18 old parts from ZooKeeper
2020.11.02 16:04:18.104756 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_12_12_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.104799 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_13_13_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.104813 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_14_14_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.104826 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_15_15_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.104868 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_16_16_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105030 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_17_17_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105057 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_18_18_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105071 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_19_19_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105280 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_20_20_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105333 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_21_21_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105395 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_22_22_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105772 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_23_23_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105807 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_24_24_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.105998 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_25_25_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.106023 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_26_26_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.106049 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_27_27_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.106251 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_28_28_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.106280 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_29_29_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:04:18.106311 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removed 18 old parts from ZooKeeper. Removing them from filesystem.
2020.11.02 16:04:18.487063 [ 31 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removed 18 old parts





再次查看服务器日志,发现了创建的mutation 0000000002 后台执行时Won't mutate that part and will check it,无法执行,问题完美复现。

2020.11.02 16:01:37.993583 [ 81 ] {f6786bab-1882-48ff-a9da-29a00c1302b7} <Debug> executeQuery: (from [::1]:41772) ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1 DELETE WHERE 1 = 1 
2020.11.02 16:01:38.019167 [ 81 ] {f6786bab-1882-48ff-a9da-29a00c1302b7} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1: Created mutation with ID 0000000002
2020.11.02 16:01:38.019926 [ 47 ] {} <Information> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Loading 1 mutation entries: 0000000002 - 0000000002
2020.11.02 16:01:38.020482 [ 81 ] {f6786bab-1882-48ff-a9da-29a00c1302b7} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 0.00 B.
2020.11.02 16:01:38.020630 [ 81 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (total): 0.00 B.
2020.11.02 16:01:38.020704 [ 81 ] {} <Information> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.027 sec.

2020.11.02 16:01:41.546458 [ 81 ] {6e7b3da2-a96c-4eb5-bbb8-c12e5cced76a} <Debug> executeQuery: (from [::1]:41772) SELECT * FROM system.mutations WHERE is_done != 1
2020.11.02 16:01:41.552372 [ 81 ] {6e7b3da2-a96c-4eb5-bbb8-c12e5cced76a} <Trace> InterpreterSelectQuery: FetchColumns -> Complete
2020.11.02 16:01:41.552733 [ 81 ] {6e7b3da2-a96c-4eb5-bbb8-c12e5cced76a} <Debug> executeQuery: Query pipeline:
2020.11.02 16:01:41.575776 [ 81 ] {6e7b3da2-a96c-4eb5-bbb8-c12e5cced76a} <Information> executeQuery: Read 3 rows, 505.00 B in 0.029 sec., 103 rows/sec., 16.93 KiB/sec.
2020.11.02 16:01:41.575884 [ 81 ] {6e7b3da2-a96c-4eb5-bbb8-c12e5cced76a} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 3.52 KiB.
2020.11.02 16:01:41.576097 [ 81 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (total): 3.52 KiB.
2020.11.02 16:01:41.576232 [ 81 ] {} <Information> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.030 sec.

2020.11.02 16:03:53.150822 [ 38 ] {} <Warning> datasets.hits_v1: Part 201403_0_31_2 (that was selected for mutation) with age 303 seconds exists locally but not in ZooKeeper. Won't mutate that part and will check it.
2020.11.02 16:03:53.151912 [ 30 ] {} <Warning> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreePartCheckThread): Checking part 201403_0_31_2
2020.11.02 16:03:53.159423 [ 30 ] {} <Error> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreePartCheckThread): Unexpected part 201403_0_31_2 in filesystem. Removing.
2020.11.02 16:03:58.255413 [ 47 ] {} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1: Found 18 old parts to remove.
2020.11.02 16:03:58.255508 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removing 18 old parts from ZooKeeper
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257116 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_0_0_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257159 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_1_1_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257192 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_2_2_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257209 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_3_3_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257234 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_4_4_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257268 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_5_5_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257283 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_6_6_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257298 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_7_7_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257318 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_8_8_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257334 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_9_9_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257359 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_10_10_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257388 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_11_11_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257403 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_12_12_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257619 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_13_13_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257652 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_14_14_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257722 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_15_15_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257746 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_16_16_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257895 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: There is no part 201403_17_17_0 in ZooKeeper, it was only in filesystem
2020.11.02 16:03:58.257933 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removed 18 old parts from ZooKeeper. Removing them from filesystem.
2020.11.02 16:03:58.610362 [ 47 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removed 18 old parts
2020.11.02 16:03:58.633618 [ 47 ] {} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeCleanupThread): Execution took 378 ms.

2.4 恢复




2020.11.02 16:58:53.408070 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> executeQuery: (from [::1]:41772) ALTER TABLE datasets.hits_v1 DROP PARTITION '201403' 
2020.11.02 16:58:53.429911 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1: Deleted 32 deduplication block IDs in partition ID 201403
2020.11.02 16:58:53.430049 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Disabled merges covered by range 201403_0_133_999999999_133
2020.11.02 16:58:53.431097 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Waiting for 01 to pull log-0000000155 to queue
2020.11.02 16:58:53.432434 [ 40 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Pulling 1 entries to queue: log-0000000155 - log-0000000155
2020.11.02 16:58:53.433746 [ 40 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Pulled 1 entries to queue.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.433897 [ 16 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Removed 0 entries from queue. Waiting for 0 entries that are currently executing.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.433959 [ 16 ] {} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Removing parts.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.433977 [ 16 ] {} <Information> datasets.hits_v1: Removed 0 parts inside 201403_0_133_999999999_133.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.434147 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: Looking for node corresponding to log-0000000155 in 01 queue
2020.11.02 16:58:53.434876 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> datasets.hits_v1: No corresponding node found. Assuming it has been already processed. Found 0 nodes.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.434902 [ 48 ] {} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Will check if mutation 0000000002 is done
2020.11.02 16:58:53.436001 [ 81 ] {b81d334a-b769-430b-84e5-b56e0d8b2c42} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (for query): 0.00 B.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.436162 [ 81 ] {} <Debug> MemoryTracker: Peak memory usage (total): 0.00 B.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.436244 [ 81 ] {} <Information> TCPHandler: Processed in 0.028 sec.
2020.11.02 16:58:53.438141 [ 48 ] {} <Trace> datasets.hits_v1 (ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue): Mutation 0000000002 is done

可以看到线程48 检查mutation 0000000002,并处理完成。


Attack On Programmer

